Bridgetown Baby

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Family Feeding Nest Returns to Pickathon!

After what feels like an eon (otherwise known as a ‘pandemic minute’), Bridgetown Baby’s Family Feeding Nest will back at Pickathon this summer!

From August 4th-7th, at Pendarvis Farm in Happy Valley, the Nest will provide a quiet respite for pumping, feeding, or simply snuggling with your little(s). Comfy chairs, nursing pillows, power for your breast pump, and safe milk storage for the day await you in the shady dell at Coyote Corner, along with fun programming for older children. Our friendly doulas and lactation consultants will be there to chat and answer question. Milk storage bags provided; bring your own pump.

Pickathon tickets are poised to sell out soon - get yours soon, and come visit us at the Family Feeding Nest!

Learn more - and see our report from our last tour at Pickathon.