Bridgetown Baby

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2021: Onward We Traverse!

Dear Friends:

With the new year comes a renewed hope & deep gratitude for all of the hard work that researchers, scientists, doctors, and frontline workers have put into helping us combat the rising COVID-19 numbers. As always, Bridgetown Baby continues to prioritize our community’s health & well-being.

Throughout 2020 we were able to serve dozens of postpartum families safely. With the release of the new COVID-19 vaccine, we have reevaluated our policies and procedures to remain vigilant in this fight towards herd immunity. We have reaffirmed our team’s sustained commitment to our existing illness policy and pandemic best practices. This is our ongoing approach to ensuring that the families we serve will continue to receive the best possible care during their postpartum periods.

Our Continuing Approach:

  • We take an abundance of caution.

    • We wear masks during our visits.

    • Doulas aid in sanitizing high traffic surfaces in clients’ homes (door knobs, faucets, handles, etc.), with products clients provide.

    • We practice strict protocols to keeping bottle parts, breast pump attachments, and other feeding items clean and sterilized.

  • We practice open communication.

    • If a doula is showing any signs of illness, we will communicate accordingly and offer a doula substitute when available.

    • If anyone in your home is experiencing signs or symptoms of illness, we will reschedule visits as appropriate.

  • We practice limiting exposure and risk.

    • We match doulas with one family at a time.

      • If your family is open to sharing a doula with another family with a similar risk tolerance, this can be arranged.

    • We have open dialogue about everyone’s exposure prior to our first visit to aid in informed decision making.

    • We have many virtual offerings for families to take advantage of. Including a virtual nurturing circle, telehealth lactation visits, and online classes to expand your knowledge base.

  • We believe in science.

    • Many of our doula have received their COVID-19 vaccines. Based on availability, you may request a doula who has been vaccinated.

    • We encourage families who are interested in getting vaccinated to stay informed on when they will become eligible for the vaccination.

  • We specialize in caring for at risk infants.

    • We prioritize support for families with medically fragile babies and younger neonates.

    • Our doulas are trained in specialized feeding plans for NICU babies being released home early to shorten exposure in the NICU.

    • Feeding support is now more readily available for families who want to utilize human milk as an early preventive care measure.

Join us as we continue to monitor public health findings and recommendations.

Thank you for welcoming us into your postpartum period. It is an honor to care for you and your family.


Merriah Fairchild

Founder, Bridgetown Baby