The Nurturing Circle Presents: Gentle Discipline for Infants and Toddlers, 9/27

Having a baby is a transition filled with all sorts of emotions - the joy and wonder that characterizes the experience of welcoming little ones can also be melded with confusion and concern: how am I going to help this tiny person grow into a full-fledged human who navigates the world with confidence and compassion?

Join the Nurturing Circle on Tuesday, September 27 at 10:30 am for a discussion of gentle discipline for infants and toddlers led by Courtney Dern of Beech Street Parenting.

Beech Street Parenting supports new and expectant parents in learning about child development and principles of respectful caregiving - because when parents show up with a shared, guiding philosophy, they help their child feel seen, connected, and respected.

Courtney brings years of study and practice in developmental and family psychology, early childhood education, infant and toddler mental health, and the RIE model of respectful parenting. Bring your questions and observations, and join the conversation on September 27th!


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