Sibling Prep Class

from $40.00

With so much change occurring during your perinatal year we want to ensure that your older children have what they need to welcome a sibling with loving care. In our Sibling Prep Class we tailor our content to help your soon-to-be big sib get excited about all the newborn care.

This virtual offering comes with two meetings.

  • One 45-min story time with space to answer questions that your older children might have about the birthing process, what it means to be a big sib, and give ideas for how to create extra space for the higher demands of the early days of parenting multiple children.

    • We will read books, practice holding dolls, and work with items sent in the sibling prep packet.

  • An hour long live Q&A for parents to give guidance around how to include your children in the pregnancy and birthing process, give tips and tricks for early postpartum juggling, and provide ideas for carving out time for your older kid(s).

    • After your littles have gone to bed we will have a parents-only discussion where we will cover topics related to the transitions and changes ahead—including normalizing common challenges. We will give concrete ideas on how to keep a balanced home life while navigating behavioral changes. Go over some tried and true Independent Play Activities to give you some hands free time to nurse, change diapers, or handle your newborn.

This in-person offering comes with one 90-minute playdate.

  • Your sibling prep doula will come to your house to do a family session where you will play with some of the fun sibling prep toys, see examples of Independent Play Activities, read some welcoming baby books, get advice on how to set up areas that make sense for littles & bigs, and receive guidance around:

    • How to include your children in the pregnancy and birthing process

    • Give tips and tricks for early postpartum juggling

    • Provide ideas for carving out time for your older kid(s).

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