Snuggle Up: Comprehensive Care for Intended Parents

from $3,050.00

Each family has a unique journey to parenthood. When you are finally bringing your baby home from the hospital, you deserve a postpartum plan that leaves you feeling nurtured, supported, & confident. Our diverse team brings a broad knowledge base, highly-honed skills, compassion, & warmth to every family we serve.

Before the birth, your postpartum doula(s) will meet with you virtually to create a postpartum plan that leaves you feeling calm & prepared to bring baby home.

After birth, they will come during the day to teach you how to care for a newborn if this is your first journey, or help with sibling support, if this is a subsequent journey. They will come at night 1-7 nights a week for overnight support so that you can stay well rested to enjoy your early days with your new baby.

International Family Package:
One month of comprehensive care beginning after birth (16 overnight and 12 day visits).
($900 Discount for All Families Surrogacy (AFS) and Northwest Surrogacy Center (NWSC) with code GROWLOVEMONTH, limited availability)

Domestic Family Package :
One week of flexible, wrap-around care to be used in between family visits, during extra fussy week or spread out over multiple weeks (4 overnight and 4 day visits).
($250 Discount for AFS and NWSC Families with code GRLOWLOVEWEEK, limited availability)

Travel Fee:
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