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Brita Johnson Brita Johnson

Resources for Raising Conscious Kids: September Edition

An enthusiastic mer-boy is so happy that he just wants to give all of his friends a squish - only it turns out that some of his friends don’t feel comfortable with that. How the friends come to an awareness of their different preferences and the importance of asking for consent is a clear and age-appropriate way to reinforce children’s rights to bodily autonomy from a young age.

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Brita Johnson Brita Johnson

Kids for Pride, Pride for Everyone!

Beyond the basic building blocks of development, watching my kiddo step into her queer identity has broadened my perspective on the fluid possibility contained in each and every human being…

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Brita Johnson Brita Johnson

Resources for Raising Conscious Kids: February Edition

The ABCs of Black History is as charming as it is informative, as sobering as it is soaring with hope. With succinct stories told rhythmically, this is a book that educates, celebrates, and reverberates in this Black History month and all year round.

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